This web application is part of a larger Parolla Payroll / Xero integration for the Irish market. If you would like to see the tool expanded with greater functionality then please contact us at Parolla, or email/text/call Mark Ogilvie at +353 89 221 9326.
The converter is tested in Chrome and FireFox web browsers. If you are having difficulty please contact Mark Ogilvie at Parolla
Ulster Bank produce a csv file output from the Bankline system.
This web page will:
- Strip out unnecessary columns.
- Rename column headings to match Xero's import template.
- Return a Xero compliant statement import file.
- Download your statement from Bankline. Make sure to select the following day after your last transaction in Xero, and to only select full days.
- Save the statement as a .csv file on your local machine.
- Upload the statement to this web page.
- Download your converted file. It will be renamed with the suffix "_xero.csv"
- Log into Xero, choose your relevent bank account, and import a manual statement.
All files are destroyed after being sent over the encrypted connection.