How does this work? Will it work for me?

These tools have been created to assist Xero Global Edition users. The VAT 3 report generator, and the sales tax generator were created and made public in March of 2017. So they've been in use for a few years now.

Still, there's nothing like a trial to figure things out!

Enter your email in the address input box and we will create an account for you, pre-loaded with €10 worth of credits, or 10 tokens.

If you need more trial credits then contact Mark Ogilvie by email.

Service Description Tokens
Bulk payment files Create SEPA compliant credit payment files from Xero bills or bulk payment file. 2
Statement converters Upload a bank statement in csv format and convert it to a Xero readable csv file for upload directly to Xero. 1
VAT rate generator Create a standard set of typical Irish tax sales tax rates in your selected Xero organisation Free
VAT 3 Reports Prepare a VAT 3 report, and download a ROS compliant VAT3 xml file for your selected Xero organisation Free today, and probably tomorrow too!